Job Title:
Environmental Specialist III/Geologist C.P.G., P.G.
Professional Experience:
28 years of work experience as a groundwater
environmental geologist working for industry and
government involving geological investigation of
shallow and deep groundwater aquifers.
Experience in industrial groundwater well
installation and testing of producing wells for
merchant electrical power plants, soil and
groundwater environmental compliance programs such
as RCRA and CERCLA, regulatory development team
member regulation rewrite for Louisiana Department
of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) LAC 33: VII Chapters
5, 7 and 8, work with federal and state agencies
such as FEMA hurricane Isaac, LDEQ Agency liaison
for parish governments with parish contractors for
hurricane response activities. While working for the
LDEQ, Mr. Morvant was part of the B P (British
Petroleum) Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill MC-252 Response
Team participant which included federal agencies
such as United States Coast Guard (USCG), EPA,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and
other federal agencies which required in depth
participation for execution of cleanup of affected
water ways and beaches.
CAGWCC Member Since 2015
CAGWCC Offices:
Vice-Chairman: 2017, 2018
Technical Committee Chairman: 2018