A Ground Water Conservation Award Program is proposed for users in the Capital
Area Ground Water Conservation Commission (CAGWCC) District to recognize and
encourage good stewardship of our ground water resource.
Any ground water user in the CAGWCC District (including any user that is exempt
from user-fees) that has implemented significant reductions in ground water use
or has in some other way helped protect the Baton Rouge Aquifer System is
eligible. Entries may be submitted by the user or by a nominating party.
Measured reductions can be in terms of gallons per unit of production. Increased
use of the Shallow Sands (“400 Foot Sand” and above, or equivalents) to offset
deeper production is considered good stewardship. Efforts to identify and
properly abandon water wells in the District are also considered good
stewardship. Technology improvements such as flow meter installation, automatic
control system installation, etc are also eligible for entry. Special
recognition for Public Supply conservation is anticipated.
Applications will be solicited through the Commission Newsletter, local media,
the Commission Web site, direct mailing or other means. Application criteria and
entry information will be posted on the web site. A panel of Commissioners will
review Applications. Awards will be granted by a majority vote by the full
Commission annually. Commission members may not vote for their own user entity.
An annual award may be presented to the applicant(s) with the most outstanding
conservation effort(s), and recognition awards will be presented to applicants
meeting the conservation criteria listed below. Projects will be based on those
completed in the preceding calendar year. The Commission will endeavor to
publicize the award in the local media and on its web site.
Ground water demand reduction due to process modifications, including the use of
alternate supplies (such as gray water, river water or shallow sands) will be
given more weight. Water recycling, such as cooling water reuse, will be given
the next highest weight. Additional consideration will be given for any
community outreach efforts conducted as part of the ground water conservation